An Urban Fantasy
“The house is so quiet; she needs to hear music, feel the smooth keys under her long, delicate fingers as she plays Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. . . . But first where is middle C?”
An entity from nothing space and time, Akaesman lurks in his dominion, tracking prey through his peephole into spacetime. When he spots a good one, he leaps out of his lair, evading the Akaesman patrol, invading his chosen one. He spreads his evil into humans, one by one, changing them forever into his image.
But she resists. He stalks her still. She battles him to rescue herself and to reclaim her name. Yet she loses ground as she discovers there’s more than one kind of evil in the city of spacetime.
Finalist for the 2012 The Word Guild Awards, Novel—Futuristic Category.
“A book for Spoon Theory people”
Misty, Amazon Customer
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