
Shireen Jeejeebhoy launched her career and slammed and somersaulted into the unknown life of brain injury. And so began her long quest to find effective treatments and recover fully.

Judy Taylor, a suburban mother, wife, and active woman, relished her simple, happy life until the day blood clots annihilated her intestines. In fighting to live without eating, she changed medical history.

Time was on her way to work, a day like any other, her birthday on the way. As Queen Street West bustled with morning life around her, she carried her coffee and thought about turning forty. And then she was being carried off into the future with no way to get back.

Coddled and controlled, living a sheltered life with her parents in a small town, Aban receives a surprising letter one day: Her unknown grandmother has left her a house in the wicked city of Toronto with a mysterious male tenant.


An entity from nothing space and time, Akaesman lurks in his dominion, tracking prey through his peephole into spacetime. When he spots a good one, he leaps out of his lair, evading the Akaesman patrol, invading his chosen one. He spreads his evil into humans, one by one, changing them forever into his image.

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