Time and Space
A Time Travel Novel
She was on her way to work, a day like any other, her birthday on the way. As Queen Street West bustled with morning life around her, she carried her coffee and thought about turning forty. Then she was being carried, hustled away from all that she knew with no way to get back.
Three boys had kidnapped Time 1,000 years into the future. Unamused, their prof demands they remove her. “But don’t contaminate the timeline,” he shouts. The boys resolve this conundrum by dumping her in their favourite time and space: her future, their past. The Nasty Time. A time no one can leave. But a bikini-clad girl attempts to foil their plans by slipping Time instructions on how to build a time machine to get back home. Time wants no part of science, physics, and all that gibberish . . . until she meets Space. It’s 2411. She’s still turning 40. And she wants home.
“makes you think and sucks you in” Quality Reads UK Book Club
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